“I was terrified.”
In 2013, my lovely wife was involved in a relatively serious car accident while on the way to pick me up from work. A gentleman thought that texting and driving was a good idea, ran a red light and totaled my wife’s car with her behind the wheel. My good friend Adrian Bridges, a very talented personal injury lawyer with our firm, rushed me to the scene.
I was terrified. My wife was 8 months pregnant at the time. I wanted her to be safe. I wanted my child to be safe. And I have a confession to make…I did not know what to do.
I am an attorney. I practice Social Security Disability and Workers’ Compensation. I work with some of the best personal injury attorneys from Pensacola to Fort Walton Beach. Despite working with so many personal injury attorneys, I had no idea what to do next. Fortunately, I had someone with me to guide me through the initial process.
Knowing What To Do, Thanks To A Friend’s Help
I know that you need to call the police, even if the accident seems minor at the time. Request that an accident report be completed and make sure to get a copy of the accident report number. Make sure to get contact information for all drivers involved in the accident, as well as any witnesses to the accident. You will need to get an insurance policy number from all drivers, too. If you can, take photos of the damage to all vehicles involved. But most importantly, seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Under the new PIP laws, you only have 14 days to receive initial medical treatment and have any medical problems declared “emergency medical conditions”.
So my confession: I am an attorney, and these are things I would not have known if I did not have a personal injury lawyer with me. I confess I learned one more thing that day; everyone, even an attorney, needs a good personal injury lawyer with them through every step of a car accident claim.
“…everyone, even an attorney, needs a good personal injury lawyer with them through every step of a car accident claim.” – Antonio Bruni
Fortunately, everyone from Pensacola to Fort Walton Beach has the same access as I did to quality car accident attorneys like Marcus Michles, who handled the claim for us (due less to my pull in the firm and more to a nice Cuban coffee bribe). Mr. Michles taught the insurance company a valuable lesson about the consequences of texting and driving, and my wife was fully compensated for her injury and medical bills.

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