Most people understand they may not use a smartphone while driving. However, many people also believe this law does not apply when the vehicle is stopped. It is evident when drivers are using their phones at a red light because their heads are turned down toward their lap or they take too long to move after the light turns green.
However, just because many people do this doesn’t mean it’s legal. Get informed on distracted driving laws in the Sunshine State, including whether it is legal to use a phone at a red light.
What Are Florida’s Distracted Driving Laws?
Laws regarding device use while driving, or “distracted driving laws,” vary from state to state. Some states have few restrictions on phone use while driving, while others ban all forms of handheld device use while driving.
In Florida, the Wireless Communications While Driving Law, section 316.305, Florida Statutes, took effect on July 1, 2019, and mandates that:
- Law enforcement may stop vehicles and issue citations to drivers who are texting and driving.
- A person may not operate a vehicle while typing or entering multiple characters into a wireless communication device to text, email, and instant message.
- A person may not use a wireless communication device in a handheld manner at all in school or work zones.
These laws clearly state that it is illegal to use a phone at a red light to type and send texts, emails, and other forms of written communication. Additionally, it is illegal to use a phone at a red light that is located in a school or work zone.
Despite these laws, many motorists choose to use handheld communication devices however they want when driving, which often has devastating consequences. If you or someone you love has been harmed by a distracted driver, our Florida personal injury attorneys are here to help. We have helped countless motor vehicle accident victims recover the compensation they deserve after a crash, and we may be able to help you, too.

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