Traumatic brain injuries are challenging and can result in physical and mental limitations. There are many common causes of TBIs, and those who suffer from them have to result to multiple forms of therapy to recover. While the road to recovery may not be easy, the Michles & Booth, P.A. team is here to give you an insight into what life is truly like after a TBI.
What is a TBI?
A traumatic brain injury is a sudden injury that can cause mild to severe damage to the brain. There are many symptoms of TBI, depending on the type of injury you sustained. Some symptoms can include headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, and fatigue, whereas more severe injuries can result in seizures, comas, and numbness of the limbs.
Treating a TBI depends on the type of injury you sustained. If the injury is mild, like a concussion, your rehabilitation process may only include a doctor's visit and some over-the-counter pain relievers. However, for moderate to severe TBIs, your process will be lengthy.
After assessing and stabilizing your injuries, some treatments may include surgery, medicines, and rehabilitation therapies. Expect spending hours each week working with physical, occupational, and psychological therapists to improve your quality of life.
Common Causes
Some of the most common causes of a TBI include falls, sports injuries, and being struck by an object. Other causes include car accidents and abuse, which is very common for children under 4. Men are more likely to suffer from TBIs, but adults over the age of 65 are at greater risk for being hospitalized after suffering from a TBI. Although some accidents are preventable, sometimes they result from another person’s negligence. If that’s the cause, we recommend that you speak with our personal injury attorneys as soon as possible.
Physical Struggles
Every case is different. However, mobility problems are most common for people who have suffered from a TBI. When this happens, movements can become very slow, and sometimes the injured person cannot walk without support. In this case, temporary wheelchairs and crutches are needed, which can be pricey.
Emotional Challenges
Your loved one could be dealing with emotional challenges for a multitude of reasons. Mood swings are common and are caused by damage to certain parts of the brain that controls emotions and behavior. In other cases, your loved one may react unusually to emotions because their brain does not remember how to react properly. Even if your loved one feels happy, they may cry because they still have not yet to relearn how to control their emotions.
On the other hand, feeling sad is common for people who have just suffered from a traumatic injury. It’s essential as a loved one to understand that your support means more than you think for them. During this time, you should be patient and learn more about your loved one’s injury to understand where their pain is coming from.
Mental Difficulties
People who have suffered from a TBI can have issues remembering things that happened days, weeks, or months before their injury. Outside of memories, people also have trouble remembering or using certain words. Although this is common, memories do come back over time.
Some people often suffer from “brain fog,” where they cannot understand or process information. In these situations, it’s important to give them enough time to express their thoughts as it can be frustrating for them.
Social Outcomes
For some people, their life is forever altered after a TBI. Because some people can no longer complete their usual day-to-day activities, their chances of returning to work are slim. This also makes it harder for them to engage in recreational activities, putting a strain on their social life. Recovering from a TBI comes at a price, whether mentally, physically, emotionally, or socially.
Tips For Recovery
Adjusting to this new lifestyle can be difficult, but you don’t have to do this alone. The first step to aiding your injured loved one during this time is to make sure they get enough rest. They should not be partaking in any physically demanding activities like recreational sports or heavy operating machinery. If their healthcare provider gives them the okay to return to normal activities, make sure they do so gradually.
Make sure your recovering loved one does not neglect their basic needs, like eating and bathing. They should also stick to all doctors orders, like taking medication or avoiding certain movements. If they need assistance in the meantime, have a family member or friend check on them frequently. Make sure they attend all physician and therapist appointments as they are detrimental to making a full recovery.
Lastly, be patient with your recovering loved one. Adjusting to a new lifestyle isn’t easy and can be frustrating to the person suffering. You can be a more useful supporter by researching their injuries to better understand what they’re going through.
Next Steps?
When recovering from a brain injury, the pain can last a lifetime. Luckily, there is legal action you can take against the negligent parties that caused this harm. The Michles & Booth, P.A. team has a history of helping the communities of Florida to obtain the financial support needed to afford medical treatment and other lost wages or debts due to their injuries.

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