The pain in Heidi Warriner’s neck and back waited a week after her accident to manifest itself.
“Suddenly I had pain in my lower back, upper, between the shoulders, and pain in my neck,” Heidi said. “If I turned, or twisted, it was terrible.”
As a costumer, playing a key role in the Pensacola Children’s Chorus, whether Heidi is fitting a performer, transferring product from the warehouse, or making adjustments to a piece, her mobility is paramount to a show’s success.
“People might not think so,” Heidi said, “But it’s an active job—lifting, and bending are unavoidable.”
On 12th Avenue after her lunch break, Heidi got behind a van traveling well below the speed limit. Unable to determine why the van was moving so slow, Heidi changed lanes to pass the van. As soon as Heidi was parallel with the van, the driver turned left, smashing into Heidi’s vehicle.
At the scene of the accident, the driver of the van, dazed, asked, “Wow, where did you come from?”
Although we can’t change the decisions someone else makes that affect us, we all have the right to respond using our best judgement.
With the onset of Heidi’s physical pain, due to the crash, kicking in, and fear that she would be unable to perform at work, she visited Dr. Amanda Hill at M&M Chiropractic, Inc. in Fort Walton Beach.
“Dr. Hill is amazing, seriously—I tell everyone to go to M&M. I sent my mom there.”
In addition to providing Heidi with excellent care, and devising an effective long term treatment plan for her, Dr. Hill encouraged Heidi to hire an attorney.
“I had never even thought of hiring an attorney—I can’t afford to do that,” Heidi said.
Accident victims aren’t always aware that we only charge for our services if we are able to collect money for you.
With our FWB offices across the street from M&M Chiropractic, Inc., and the praise of Dr. Amanda Hill, Heidi was soon in the hands of our very own, Chris Janes. He encouraged Heidi to make treatment her top priority.
“I clicked very well with Chris,” Heidi said, smiling. “He’s incredible.”
Attorney Chris Janes, who is involved with the local theatre community, actively serving on the Pensacola Children’s Chorus board, understands how important Heidi’s physical condition is to her work, pushed Heidi to plan out her treatment, and let him handle the rest.
With Heidi’s insurance company paying a portion of her medical bills, and Chris fighting for more significant compensation, Heidi was in constant contact with our all star legal assistant, Michelle Merkel.
“What impressed me most about Michles & Booth was the open communication.”
After 8 months of intense chiropractic care, and massage therapy per Dr. Amanda Hill’s suggestion, Heidi received what she considers an “unexpected blessing”—a sum of money for additional medical expenses and the trouble caused by a careless driver, operating a work van between 15 and 20 miles below the legal speed limit.
The lesson Heidi learned, a lesson we want all victims to learn is, our fee is contingent upon you collecting from the at-fault drivers insurance. No one deserves to be injured or to have their property damaged as a result of someone’s negligence, but if you are in that position, you deserve to be compensated! Let us know if you need our help. Congratulations, Heidi!

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